Friday, September 25, 2015

Nicaragua homestay

A sweet family with babies, cats, and a guard dog- what else do you need? :)

Guard dog Negro, on duty.

Negro, off duty!

That's Luna next to him. She's not shy at all about asking for attention and lots of it.

If you can catch her awake, that is.

Then there's Mancha, the cat who prefers life on the roof of the kitchen. He'd only show up on hot days, trying to escape the heat.

And this guy hung around also, but I never came up with a name for him. Was too busy trying to shower as many inches as possible away from the window. (Ladies, this is a strong argument against solo travel.)

Families here earn around $80 USD a week for providing students with a room, private bathroom, and 3 meals a day.

In my homestay family, the father and son both worked outside of the home, showing up mainly for meals, naps, and tv. Mom, daughter, and grandson were always around so we spent lots of time hanging out and watching the Mexican version of Judge Judy. (By the way, Donald Trump was constantly on the TV. Is he really going to be the new president?, people kept asking.)

We ate gallo pinto (rice and beans) every day. I actually had missed the taste of this dish... but it's all good now, settled that craving ;)

This is likely my last-ever homestay. I've always lived with local families- the food is great and you make awesome friends- but it kind of feels like a 20-something's game. I feel like I aged out of that flexibility that it takes to be someone's guest and just crave my own space*. Is this bad? :(

*and air conditioning on some nights. Okay, every night.

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